June 17, 2017 - The Week I Ate A Big Piece of Humble Pie

This week was tough my friends. Not in a "oh I walked so far and I'm so tired" kind of way but in a "woah, I kind can't do this" kinda way. I had a lot of downs but when there's a down there's an up. I learned that I truly cannot do this. Not alone. I need my Savior and Heavenly Father to be with me every step of the way or I cannot be successful the way they need me to be. It's a hard lesson to learn but one I wouldn't trade for anything. 

I am loving the MTC SO much!!! I love the learning, the Spirit and the people. Friends, the MTC will be doing an open house for their new buildings -- GO!! They are incredible. It's where my classes are held and I could not be more grateful. It sounds funny but I am learning so much from those buildings. Go walk through them. Take the tour. It's so worth it. If you do, email and tell me what you thought!! 

This week we finished up teaching our TRC's. They were both lovely, elderly ladies and it was such a good experience. One was easier than the other but that's okay! My teacher told us a story of when she was on her mission and she was emailing a friend about a trial she was going through. She thought it was unfair and pointless. He wrote her back and told her "Do not deny the refining God has in store for you by thinking you're too good to suffer." I LOVE this quote. We all will have hard trials that will seem unfair and pointless but never think you're too good to suffer. The most almighty being, our Savior, suffered to a degree we can't imagine. How could we think to be better than that. 

Friends, keep pushing forward. Keep trying. It's a hard life but the blessings God has in store for you are immeasurable. 

I love this work and can't believe I'm halfway finished with my time here at the MTC. It's a fast paced crazy town. 

Love you all!!

Posted on June 17, 2017 .