How to Search for Content Within a Web Page in Safari on iOS

When it comes to searching for content on the Internet, Google is king! They do a fantastic job of indexing and searching more available content than I can fathom. Searching for this content is simple in any modern web browser, even Safari on iOS. Just open a new web page, enter your search string in the address bar and tap on "Go". That's it.

Searching for a specific word or phrase within a web page, however, is not so intuitive. Fortunately, there's an easy trick that can save you a lot of frustration and scrolling as you look for that needle in the haystack.

When you have the web page open that you want to search through for a specific word or phrase, simply enter that search string in the address bar, just like you would if you were searching the Internet using Google. Rather than tapping "Go" to search Google, however, scroll down in the results list, and you will find a section called "On This Page". This will also give you a count of the number of times that particular word or phrase appears on that specific page.


When you tap on that line, you will be taken to the first word or phrase found on the web page. You can also jump from one to the next by using the right and left arrow buttons at the bottom.

Here's a short video to show you:

Posted on April 13, 2015 and filed under How To, iOS, iPad, iPhone.