October 09, 2017 - The Week of Water

WE BAPTIZED!  WE DID IT! I'M SO HAPPY. It was the best day ever. We literally spent all Saturday at the church. We got to the Church and started filling up the font only to find that there was NO hot water. We called the elders in a panic so they broke the rules and came to the Church to help us (we can't be in even numbers in the church by ourselves). Elder Martin deemed it to be fine. They couldn't figure it out so that was sad for Rhianna... while the font was filling up we set everything up and practiced our musical number. Rhianna asked us to do the musical number for her! Sister McConnell played and I sung. It was actually really pretty. But we had a great turn out. I have never been so happy for someone else!! She kept texting saying "I am so happy!" It was the CUTEST thing.

Also, we got name signs this week! Morgan's mom surprised us with them. I was also SO STINKIN HAPPY.

I have no time but I love you all!!

Pics: They're all baptism pictures 😊😊

Posted on October 11, 2017 .